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hangzhou wangwang crafts

Showing 1 - 10 of 12, total 2 pages        [First] [Previous] [Next] [Last]

dog's pole
dog's pole
Specification: 115cm high(including metal point), 3,2cm in diameter. 12 pcs in
Detail: for dog training,dog's pole

dog's exerising ring
dog's exerising ring
Specification: 115cm high(including metal point). 3,2cm diameter, the ring size
Detail: for dog training,dog exerising ring

dog's hurdle
dog's hurdle
Specification: 115cm high(including metal point). 3,2cm diameter,length of cor
Detail: fir dog training,dog's hurdle

dog tunnel dia60cmx5m all wire
dog tunnel dia60cmx5m all wire
Specification: dia60cmX5m all wire
Detail: for dog training,dog tunnel.dia60cmX5m all wire

dog tunnel dia60cm(1m with wire) by 5m
dog tunnel dia60cm(1m with wire) by 5m
Specification: dia60cmX(1m with wire and 4m no wire+
Detail: for dog training,dog tunnel,dia60cmX(1m with wire and 4m no wire)

dog tunneldia40cmx2.5m
dog tunneldia40cmx2.5m
Specification: dia40cmXLength 2.5m
Detail: for dog training,dog tunnel,dia40cmXL2.5m

dog car seat blanket
dog car seat blanket
Specification: 140*100cm
Detail: dog car seat blanket

cat tunnel
cat tunnel
Specification: dia25cmXLength130cm
Detail: cat tunnel with many exits,with sound paper inside

cat tunnel 3tubes
cat tunnel 3tubes
Specification: each tube size L 55cm,diameter25cm
Detail: three tubes cat tunnel,many exits with sound paper

leapord cat tunnel
leapord cat tunnel
Specification: dia25cmXLength 130cm
Detail: cat tunnel,leapord fur outside,polyster lining with sound paper
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